My story
I believe that all women deserve access to the best in pregnancy and postnatal exercise. I know that after the birth of each of my daughters, I struggled to accept the changes that had happened to my body. I was so used to feeling fit, strong and toned. I really struggled when I felt slow, heavy and floppy.
I knew logically, that all the changes that had occurred to my body were the result of three beautiful baby girls and very healthy pregnancies and for that – I felt blessed.
But that didn’t mean that I didn’t want to look good again, that I didn’t want to be able to move my body and feel fit and strong, that I was ready to give up a healthy and active lifestyle.
I wanted to create a way of helping new and expecting mums to build a strong body that they could be proud of. Not to try and re-gain their old body, but to feel confident and happy in their new body.
I am a pregnancy and postnatal exercise specialist, yoga teacher and a proud Mum to three little girls and wife to my husband Ryan. Ten years ago, I was playing professional netball for the NSW Swifts and practicing corporate law.
Having my daughters made me realise just how much is lacking from perinatal health care in Australia. It is my mission to create high-quality and affordable online programs that will help to give Australian women access to the best in perinatal health and well-being.
What People Are Saying
I am feeling so much stronger than I have ever was after my other two children. I am also so much more educated and have a much more extensive understanding of the pelvic floor than ever before (even after doing Pilates for years and years)!
It feels great to be getting some fitness back and the program is perfect for a busy mum with its clear and short videos. I came across it online and it’s better than anything else I could find!
This is my first pregnancy and amongst all of the unknowns of pregnancy, it's so lovely having an exercise plan from a trusted source like yourself.
I am absolutely loving the FMP App!! I did one of the programs today and I feel so good and strong (and sore but I’m happy about that!)

“Kimmy inspires Mums to feel strong during pregnancy and to return to exercise in a safe and positive way.”
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